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Annual service
Annual boiler service in London

Simplified - An Annual Service is crucial for maintaining your boiler or gas applaicnes efficiency, identifying and rectifying potential or unsafe situations. It also gives you the opportunity to discuss issue regarding your boiler or gas applaince with an experienced Gas Safe engineer. We recommend servicing your boiler or gas applaince during the summer as not only do we have a greater commitment to boiler and gas repairs during the winter, it also ensures your boiler is ready for the heating season, at which time it'll be working flat out trying to keep you warm.

Appliances we service

green tickBoilers
green tickGas cookers
green tickGas hobs
green tickWater heaters
green tickWarm air units
green tickGas fires

Expanded - An Annual Service differs from an Inspection Service not only by it's contents but more importantly the objective. Our Annual Service focuses on assessing and improving your boiler or gas appliance's performance output, mechanical operation and safety devices as it performs its everyday tasks. Each check is carried out in accordance with the current gas regulation and the manufacturers technical literature. Getting your boiler serviced during the summer allows us to identify issues before they become a problem. Simply replacing a worn-out diaphragm can save you the cost and panic of a boiler repair during the winter.

Don't wait until the horse has bolted before servicing your boiler...

Although an Annual Service will not guarantee the consistent and stable operation of your boiler or gas appliance, it will help reduce the risk of your boiler or gas appliance breaking down during the winter season.

Annual Service Checklist:

  • Initial performance check
  • Electrical checks (earth continuity, resistance to earth, short circuit and polarity)
  • CO measurement 1st test
  • Burner pressure or gas rate
  • Flame supervision device check
  • Hot water temperature and flow rate check (combi systems)
  • Central heating flow and return temperature report
  • Domestic heat exchanger inspection and clean (if required)
  • Combustion chamber integrity and internal inspection
  • Pilot injector cleaned
  • Main heat exchanger external cleaning
  • Fan venture cleaning
  • Fan lubricated
  • Combustion chamber seals replaced (if applicable or if required)
  • Condensing heat exchanger gaskets replaced
  • Diaphragms replaced (if applicable or if required)
  • Service kit installation where applicable
  • Expansion vessel check (combi boilers or sealed systems)
  • System pressure adjustment (combi boilers or sealed systems)
  • CO measurement 2nd test
  • Radiators checked
  • Installation standards and regulations report
  • Best advice and report


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